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List of Morals

  1. Do not let anything turn you from your purpose. - THE WOLF AND THE KID
  2. Foolish curiosity and vanity often lead to misfortune. - THE TORTOISE AND THE DUCKS
  3. Do not tell others how to act unless you can set a good example. - THE FROGS AND THE OX
  4. Do not attempt the impossible. - THE FROGS AND THE OX
  5. It is one thing to say that something should be done, but quite a different matter to do it. - THE DOG, THE COCK, AND THE FOX
  1. Do not let your vanity make you overestimate your powers. - BELLING THE CAT
  2. Do not let your vanity make you overestimate your powers. THE EAGLE AND THE JACKDAW
  3. Do not attempt too much at once. - THE BOY AND THE FILBERTS
  4. Self-help is the best help. Heaven (God) helps those who help themselves. HERCULES AND THEWAGONER
  1. Do not say anything at any time that you would not say at all times. - THE KID AND THE WOLF
  1. Poverty with security is better than plenty in the midst of fear and uncertainty. - THE TOWN MOUSE AND THE COUNTRY MOUSE
  1. There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach. - THE FOX AND THE GRAPES
  1. In unity is strength. - THE BUNDLE OF STICKS
  2. Expect no reward for serving the wicked. - THE WOLF AND THE CRANE
  3. They who will not listen to reason but stubbornly go their own way against the friendly advice ofthose who are wiser than they, are on the road to misfortune. - THE ASS AND HIS DRIVER
  4. They complain most who suffer least. - THE OXEN AND THE WHEELS
  5. A kindness is never wasted. - THE LION AND THE MOUSE
  6. Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth. - THE SHEPHERD BOY AND THE WOLF (THE BOY THAT CRIED “WOLF”)
  7. We are often of greater importance in our own eyes than in the eyes of our neighbour. The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. - THE GNAT AND THE BULL
  8. Our best blessings are often the least appreciated. - THE PLANE TREE
  9. You are judged by the company you keep. THE FARMER AND THE STORK
  10. It is easy to be brave when there is no danger. - THE SHEEP AND THE PIG
  11. We cannot expect any one to share our misfortunes unless we are willing to share our good fortune also. - THE TRAVELERS AND THE PURSE
  12. Do not resent the remarks of a fool. Ignore them. - THE LION AND THE ASS
  13. Be sure you can better your condition before you seek to change. - THE FROGS WHO WISHED FOR A KING
  14. Flattery is not proof of true admiration. Do not let flattery throw you off your guard against an enemy. - THE OWL AND THE GRASSHOPPER
  1. Do not let your fancy make you forget realities. - THE WOLF AND HIS SHADOW
  2. Better to yield when it is folly to resist, than to resist stubbornly and be destroyed. - THE OAK AND THE REEDS
  1. Resemblance to the great in some things does not make us great. - THE RAT AND THE ELEPHANT
  1. Always stop to think whether your fun may not be the cause of another's unhappiness. - THE BOYS AND THE FROGS
  1. In a pinch, a good use of our wits may help us out. - THE CROW AND THE PITCHER
  2. There's a time for work and a time for play. - THE ANTS AND THE GRASSHOPPER
  3. Do not try to take the credit to yourself that is due to others. - THE ASS CARRYING THE IMAGE
  1. A change of habits will not alter nature. - A RAVEN AND A SWAN
  2. It is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness. - THE TWO GOATS
  3. The same measures will not suit all circumstances. - THE ASS AND THE LOAD OF SALT
  4. The least of our enemies is often the most to be feared. Pride over a success should not throw us off our guard. - THE LION AND THE GNAT
  5. Deeds count, not boasting words. THE LEAP AT RHODES
  6. Precious things are without value to those who cannot prize them. - THE COCK AND THE JEWEL
  1. Do not try to ape your betters. - THE MONKEY AND THE CAMEL
  2. Preparedness for war is the best guarantee of peace. - THE WILD BOAR AND THE FOX
  3. Traitors may expect treachery. - THE ASS, THE FOX, AND THE LION
  4. The deceitful have no friends. - THE BIRDS, THE BEASTS, AND THE BAT
  5. Those who have all the toil do not always get the proft. - THE LION, THE BEAR, AND THE FOX
  6. The tyrant can always fnd an excuse for his tyranny. The unjust will not listen to the reasoning of the innocent. - THE WOLF AND THE LAMB
  7. A knave's hypocrisy is easily seen through. - THE WOLF AND THE SHEEP
  8. However unfortunate we may think we are there is always someone worse off than ourselves. - THE HARES AND THE FROGS
  1. Do not play tricks on your neighbors unless you can stand the same treatment yourself. - (Do not dish out what you cannot stand to receive. ) - THE FOX AND THE STORK
  2. Do not let your hopes carry you away from reality. - THE TRAVELLERS AND THE SEA
  3. What is evil won is evil lost. - THE WOLF AND THE LION
  4. We often make much of the ornamental and despise the useful. - THE STAG AND HIS REFLECTION
  5. Do not sacrifce your freedom for the sake of pomp and show. - THE PEACOCK
  6. Greatness has its penalties. - THE MICE AND THE WEASELS
  7. Do not depend on the promises of those whose interest it is to deceive you. Take what you canget when you can get it. - THE WOLF AND THE LEAN DOG
  8. Familiarity breeds contempt. Acquaintance with evil blinds us to its dangers. - THE FOX AND THE LION
  9. The loud-mouthed boaster does not impress nor frighten those who know him. - THE LION AND THE ASS
  10. Do not stop to argue with temptation. -THE DOG AND HIS MASTER'S DINNER
  11. Borrowed feathers do not make fine birds. - THE VAIN JACKDAW AND HIS BORROWED FEATHERS
  12. One falsehood leads to another. - THE MONKEY AND THE DOLPHIN
  13. Stick to your trade. - THE WOLF AND THE ASS
  14. The flatterer seeks some benefit at your expense. - THE MONKEY AND THE CAT
  15. It is easy and also contemptible to kick a man that is down. - THE DOGS AND THE FOX
  16. Do not try to do impossible things. - THE DOGS AND THE HIDES
  17. The strong are apt to settle questions to their own advantage. - THE RABBIT, THE WEASEL, AND THE CAT
  18. It is wiser to bear a single injury in silence than to provoke a thousand by flying into a rage. - THE BEAR AND THE BEES
  1. A fine coat is not always an indication of an attractive mind. THE FOX AND THE
  2. Do not be too hard to suit or you may have to be content with the worst or with nothing at all. - THE HERON
  1. The trickster is easily tricked. - THE COCK AND THE FOX
  2. Do not grudge others what you cannot enjoy yourself. - 69. THE DOG IN THE MANGER
  3. An invitation prompted by selfishness is not to be accepted. - THE WOLF AND THE GOAT
  4. The laws of nature are unchangeable. - THE ASS AND THE GRASSHOPPERS
  5. Be sure of your pedigree before you boast of it. - THE MULE
  6. Look before you leap. - THE FOX AND THE GOAT
  7. Do not trust alone to outward appearances. - THE CAT, THE COCK, AND THE YOUNG MOUSE
  1. Once a wolf, always a wolf. -THE WOLF AND THE SHEPHERD
  2. The useful is of much more importance and value than the ornamental. - THE PEACOCK AND THE CRANE
  3. Bluff and threatening words are of little value with rascals. Bluff is no proof that hard fists are lacking. - THE FARMER AND THE CRANES
  1. The industry is itself a treasure. - THE FARMER AND HIS SONS
  2. Equals make the best friends. - THE TWO POTS
  3. Those who have plenty want more and so lose all they have. - THE GOOSE AND THE GOLDEN EGG
  1. When the great fall out, the weak must suffer for it. - THE FIGHTING BULLS AND THE FROG
  2. Greediness leads to misfortune. - THE MOUSE AND THE WEASEL
  3. Learn from my fate not to take pity on a scoundrel. - THE FARMER AND THE SNAKE
  4. Good will is worth nothing unless it is accompanied by good acts. - THE SICK STAG
  5. It is unwise to treat old friends badly for the sake of new ones. - THE GOATHERD AND THE WILD GOATS
  1. One swallow does not make a summer.- THE SPENDTHRIFT AND THE SWALLOW
  2. Be wise and shun the quack. - THE CAT AND THE BIRDS
  3. Act in haste and repent at leisure—and often in pain. - THE DOG AND THE OYSTER
  4. Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. - THE ASTROLOGER
  1. In unity is strength. - THREE BULLOCKS AND A LION
  2. Honesty is the best policy. - MERCURY AND THE WOODMAN
  3. Those who seek to harm others often come to harm themselves through their own deceit. - THE FROG AND THE MOUSE
  1. Be content with your lot. - THE FOX AND THE CRAB
  2. An act of kindness is well repaid. - THE SERPENT AND THE EAGLE
  3. The evil doer often comes to harm through his own deceit. - THE WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING
  4. It is wicked to take advantage of another's distress. - THE BULL AND THE GOAT
  5. Even the weakest may find means to avenge a wrong. - THE EAGLE AND THE BEETLE
  6. Take warning from the misfortunes of others. - THE OLD LION AND THE FOX
  7. It all depends on the point of view, and who tells the story. - THE MAN AND THE LION
  8. Behavior that is regarded as agreeable in one is very rude and impertinent in another. Do nottry to gain favour by acting in a way that is contrary to your own nature and character. - THE ASS AND THE LAP DOG
  1. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. - THE MILKMAID AND HER PAIL
  2. Men often condemn others for what they see no wrong in doing themselves. - THE WOLF AND THE SHEPHERD
  1. Wicked deeds will not stay hidden. - THE GOATHERD AND THE GOAT
  2. A possession is worth no more than the use we make of it. - THE MISER
  3. There is nothing worth so much as liberty. - THE WOLF AND THE HOUSE DOG
  4. Better to bear a lesser evil than to risk a greater in removing it. - THE FOX AND THE HEDGEHOG
  1. Set your sails with the wind. - THE BAT AND THE WEASELS
  2. Those who would mend others should first mend themselves. - THE QUACK TOAD
  3. Do not listen to the advice of him who seeks to lower you to his own level. - THE FOX WITHOUT A TAIL
  1. Notoriety is not fame. - THE MISCHIEVOUS DOG
  2. Do not expect constancy in others if you have none yourself. - THE ROSE AND THE BUTTERFLY
  1. Common sense is always worth more than cunning. - THE CAT AND THE FOX
  2. Whatever you do, do with all your might. - THE BOY AND THE NETTLE
  3. It is cowardly to attack the defenseless, though he is an enemy. - THE OLD LION
  4. Too much attention to danger may cause us to fall victim to it. - THE FOX AND THE PHEASANTS
  2. Give a fnger and lose a hand. - THE PORCUPINE AND THE SNAKES
  3. The true leader proves himself by his qualities. - THE FOX AND THE MONKEY
  4. Do not believe everything you hear. - THE MOTHER AND THE WOLF
  5. Be not greedy for a little passing pleasure. It may destroy you. - THE FLIES AND THE HONEY
  1. Everything is fair in love. - THE EAGLE AND THE KITE
  2. Two blacks do not make a white. (Two wrongs do not make a right) - THE STAG, THE SHEEP,AND THE WOLF
  3. The weak are made to suffer for the misdeeds of the powerful. - THE ANIMALS AND THE PLAGUE
  1. We are often not so eager for what we seek, after we have found it. Do not foolishly ask for things that would bring ruin if they were granted. - THE SHEPHERD AND THE LION
  2. It is very foolish to be greedy. - THE DOG AND HIS REFLECTION
  3. The race is not always to the swift. (Slow and steady wins the race) - THE HARE AND THE TORTOISE

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